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Maa Geeta Prasaad Trust माँ   गीता   प्रसाद   ट्रस्ट

D-206 कोषदा मंदाकिनी, केशव धाम, वृदानावन- 281121 (यू.पी.)


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भगवद गीता के शीर्षक में गीता का शाब्दिक अर्थ है "गीत"। धार्मिक नेता और विद्वान भगवद शब्द की कई तरह से व्याख्या करते हैं। तदनुसार, शीर्षक की व्याख्या इस प्रकार की गई है, "ईश्वर का गीत"; आस्तिक विद्यालयों द्वारा "ईश्वर का वचन", "भगवान के शब्द", "दिव्य गीत", पृष्ठ की आवश्यकता और अन्य द्वारा "दिव्य गीत"।

Arjuna's Vishada Yoga

Srimad Bhagavad Gita starts with Arjuna Vishada Yoga. On demand of Dhrutharashtra, Sanjay used to narrate the an overall brief of the battle field of both armies. Seeing his own relatives in the battlefield Arjuna got devastated inside-out. Leaving his weapon he broke down into tears. This particular referred as Vishada Yoga in Bhagavad Gita.

Shankhya Yoga

Shankhya means number. It decodes the creation of universe in a way where implicit and explicit melts into one. This is a tropical point where there is no production or destruction. Shankhya symbolizes here two facets where of the universe as Purush and Prakriti. Where Purush represents the consciousness, Prakriti balances it with emotion.

Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga is the spiritual practice orated by Lord Krishna which represents a series of rightful, selfless work performed to benefit others. It is the path to reach spiritual liberation regardless of success and failure.

Jnana Yoga

Knowledge has no substitute. Jnana Yoga is all about developing self realization. Also known as ‘Buddhi Yoga’, Jnana Yoga is the purest quest of Atman directed and mentored by Lord Shri Krishna. One who masters the Jnana Yoga gets victory over Atman.

Let's get in touch

  • Phone Number
    +91 6396560137
  • Email Address
  • Street Address
    D-206 कोषदा मंदाकिनी, केशव धाम, वृदानावन- 281121 (यू.पी.)
  • Website URL